Nur•i•sh Your Way To Wellness

nourishing your body with holistic nutrition and lifestyle modifications.

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Healthy food cooking. Clean, vegan, vegetarian balanced eating.
Happy Healthy Man Drinks Healthy Coffee on Isolated Background.
Woman Drinking Smoothie
Happy Man on Summer Vacation
Cardboard Box with Vegetables and Fruits
Woman in Silk Flowy Dress on a Clear Day





urturing through nutrition education


nderstanding your unique body


evitalizing your cells for more energy


nflammation reducing/ calming


ystems based approach for root cause


ealth over chronic suffering

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The complete care package

hands holding red heart, health insurance, donation concept
Two People Talking Icon
Science Microscope Icon
Nature care icon

Natural and



1:1 Virtual Therapeutic partnership



donation gradient icon
sport nutrition icon

Ongoing support



Nutrition and

lifestyle wellness education and resources

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Consult with me as your certified

Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Specialist

Your Initial Strategy Package Includes:

Creative professional takes notes during virtual meeting
Virtual Medical Appointment

PCR1-Premier Case Review

This is a one-hour thorough review of your health history questionnaire and corresponding timeline session.

PCR2-Premier Case Review

During this one-hour counseling session, we will discuss your challenges and concerns, discuss recommendations, and collaborate on proactive steps towards your goals.

Follow-Up Session

For this one-hour session, we will discuss progress and opportunities for growth, in addition to further recommendations and adjustments based on your personalized needs.

You deserve the complete Nur•i•sh experience.

My mission is to...

give you the tools and recommendations you need to achieve your goals for health and longevity. YOU have the power to increase your energy, balance your hormones, stabilize your blood sugars, lose weight, enhance your focus, and improve your overall health!

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How long does each consultation take?

The initial discovery call will take 15-20 minutes. The PCR 1 and PCR 2 will take approximately 1 hour. The follow-up session will also take about 1 hour. Sessions beyond this may take anywhere from 15-60 minutes based on the needs of the client.

What is functional nutrition?

Functional nutrition involves a partnership between practitioner and client to address health concerns by understanding how all body systems influence each other and target the root cause of issues.

What qualifications do you have as a functional nutrition cousnelor?

I am a certified Functional Nutrition Counselor and Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner through the Functional Nutrition Alliance Full Body Systems Program.

Do you have monthly subscriptions or packages?

Yes, the first 3 sessions are sold in a package. Sessions beyond this can be bought individually or in a package, based on the needs of the client.

How can functional nutrition benefit me?

Most clients have seen 3 or more professionals for their health concerns with no resolution. Functional nutrition is an approach that addresses lifestyle modifications for relief and improved health and wellness.

How long does it take to see results with functional nutrition?

All results and progress will be based on the individual as each person has their own unique needs.

What are your payment options?

Currently, you can purchase sessions and packages with a credit card.

How will we keep in constant communication?

Nur-i-sh utilizes the platform, “Practice Better” as a database that holds appointments, treatment plans, a chat feature, and various other amenities that enables efficient practicioner-client communication.

How do I schedule a consultation with you?

The best way to schedule an appointment is to book using this link.

Do you offer virtual meetings?

Yes, most correspondence will occur over the phone or by using the Practice Better platform.

My Story:

I am Rhonda Simmons, certified Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle practitioner, and certified Neurotoxic Assessment practitioner based in Kentucky. I educate and advocate for women to nurture their bodies and minds with actionable steps. These steps, may lead to increasing metabolism, balancing hormones, improving moods, and increasing sustainable energy.

As a child, I dealt with blood sugar issues day after day. I learned very early about blood sugar balance and how food made me feel. My mother warned my college roommates how irritable I would become if I didn‘t eat every few hours. I became “hangry“! I was a hostage to food, needing to always eat breakfast first thing in the morning and always needing to carry a snack around during the day. Little did I know, that my lifestyle and way of eating was contributing to all my symptoms and issues. The older I became, the more prevalent my symptoms would reveal themselves.


Can you relate?

  • Low energy
  • Weight loss resistance
  • Gut issues
  • Body aches and pains
  • Irritability
  • Weak focus and clarity
  • PMS (women)
  • Sleep issues

I was raised in the era of “Fat Fear” and “Calories in vs. Calories out” ideology.

“Exercise more and eat less”, they would say!!!

I have always been fascinated with anything related to health and wellness. I was eager to know how my body worked and the best way to get it lean and trim. Part of that journey led me to earn my bachelor's degree in Exercise Science and become a Certified Personal Trainer. I worked in the fitness industry for many years following all the familiar concepts. Most clients saw results, but the frustrations were common; plateaued weight loss, lack of energy, aches, and pains, and sometimes weight gain. Why isn’t this working for everyone? Now more than ever, I understand the uniqueness of every person, the benefits of real whole foods, and the importance of our everyday choices.

After college, my story continues. I eventually married and started a family. After my first child, we moved to a new city where I could step back from working outside the home and raise my 3 children. Like many, I fed them low fat foods, processed foods (claiming to be healthy), and on occasion, fast food a couple of times per week. After all, the media and marketing made me feel like a super-mom feeding them “fortified cereals, chicken nuggets and yogurt with sprinkles.

Health and nutrition were even more at the forefront now that I had these sweet little bodies to nurture!

I was learning the impact of quality food, exercise, sleep and relationships.

And it all matters!

healthy lifestyle habits - colorful reminder notes
human body organs

When child #3 started having behavior issues that would turn all-eyes-on-you-in-a-crowd, I knew I had a problem. Thankfully, my love for learning and my determination to help my child gave me the motivation to never stop looking for answers. With the advances of the internet, and social media, I came across new information. Food and lifestyle factors influence our mood, energy, sleep, cognition and our genes! Knowing this, I finally felt like there was hope for helping my child! We could make small changes on our own that would make a difference. I later became a certified Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle practitioner through the Functional Nutrition Alliance.

I learned how the body systems are all connected and finding the root cause to dysfunction leads to better, sustaining results.

While learning what was going to benefit my inconsolable toddler, I also realized how it was going to benefit my WHOLE family. We have made changes to the way we eat as a family. My own issues that were common, though NOT normal, were also beginning to change. My low energy, PMS, belly bloat, aches and pains, blood sugar issues, mood highs and lows, sleep issues, and extreme hunger cravings all started to diminish. I stay active by exercising, volunteering for kids’ school and sporting activities, traveling, and playing occasional pickleball and golf. I have to be functioning at optimal levels!

Body diversity

I believe that the body was created to heal itself.

While there are times when conventional medicine is necessary and appropriate, I do believe that most chronic conditions can be greatly improved with lifestyle modifications.

Every person, at any age, has the power to improve their quality of life, no matter their diagnosis or symptoms!

I do NOT fall into the limiting belief that dis-ease and chronic illness are inevitable as we age.

Just because a symptom or condition is COMMON, does not mean that it is NORMAL!

The results I saw for myself, and my family did not happen overnight. But with my knowledge and dedication to health, let me help you get there faster! I will guide you along the way. I am dedicated to evidence-based practices and ongoing professional development in this rapidly changing field. In a therapeutic partnership, we will work together so you can start feeling your best! The control for better moods, quality sleep, hormone balance, and sustainable energy are in your hands. I will give you the tools and knowledge to make continual lifestyle changes. When you KNOW better, you DO better!

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You do not have to do this alone. Let’s work together so you can reveal your most healthy potential!

Hand holding red heart, Health care and mental health

Nurish, LLC.

7659 Mall Rd. #1144

Florence, KY. 41042

Rhonda Simmons, CFNC, FNLP
